All Testimonials

Thrilled with my Cerra Water pitcher

This is to certify that I am thrilled with my new and highly-effective Cerra Water pitcher. Here’s why.
It’s as easy as running the water into it, and as quick as a minute for the filter to do its work.
I not only love the taste of the water, but have also noticed more energy than ever before.

As my over-seventy husband and I were already leading a healthy life-style, we were most surprised by how much more energy we got within days of drinking the Cerra water.

This water is the best anti-aging factor I can possibly imagine. We both get compliments on our newly moist skin. We are more mentally alert than ever, and less forgetful. We focus on a lost fat and stabilized our weight, yet still manage the daily glass of wine and 2 ribs of chocolate!

As a European I especially appreciate the reliable German (and other) certification for quality and, above all, safety, as I’ve learned to beware of cheap imitations.

Testimonial By: Kareen Zebroff  — TV-Host. taught Yoga on TV for over 16 years Author of 10 Best Sellers Yoga books, Certified Nutritionist, International Speaker

9.5 PH and -400 ORP

When I changed from drinking water from an expensive electric ionizer to the Cerra Water Pitcher I was impressed with an improvement in energy, regularity and clarity of thought. Because of my high blood pressure I had more peace of mind using the Cerra Water knowing that I was getting a balance of minerals rather than a high amount of sodium from my electrical unit. My Cerra Water pitcher consistently produces a PH of 9.5 and an ORP of around -400. I love being able to take our pitcher with us wherever we go out . and drink fresh alkaline water.

Testimonial By: Peggy Brauer  — BScN

Enjoying my Cerra Water

Cerra Water comes out of the jug as a light tasting water and the best water I have ever tasted. The light taste gives me the assurance of a properly filtered water and that is absorbed easier by the body. This water is full of essential alkaline minerals with the highest ph level you can get without electrolysis process. I don't know how is works through my whole body but since I regularly drink the Cerra Water a lot of my body pains (joints and in the fingers) are gone and I can eat as many nuts as I want without the fear of pain on my body.

Testimonial By: Jaime A.

The Best Supplement For Your Health

If it were possible to supplement you way to heath I would have been perfect by now. After spending a fortune on supplements over the years my friend. Mary, suggested that I get back to basics and look at the water that I am drinking. I did a ton of research and found the Cerra water on the website. For less than $200 this is the best investment I have ever made. Not only has my skin cleared up but my IBS which has plagued me for years is about 80% better. I can finally enjoy eating without being scared of gut pain.

Testimonial By: Jane Nam


I am 98% PAIN FREE for the first time in I don't know how many years. I walked around yesterday feeling better than I have in such a long time. I am "gobsmacked" with this Cerra water.

....While I was taking notes yesterday I kept writing down people/ businesses/ professionals that I thought would be keen on this water....does that mean I'm further hooked?!!

Testimonial By: Rebecca Kool