Share & Save
Welcome to our Cerra Water Share & Save program where we offer simple ways you can share Cerra Water and earn store credit. Completing all the steps only takes 5-15 minutes and can provide some significant savings or even get a pack of Cerra Water Filters for Free!
Check out the different opportunities below, you can do one of them or all of them it’s entirely up to you. No purchase is required but you will need a Cerra Water Pitcher to complete the first offer and if you are leaving a testimonial or review you will also have had to have experienced Cerra Water before so you can leave your honest review. When you earn store credit it is like cash that can be used at, it can be combined with any other discounts or sales and be used to purchase any products in the store and never expires!.

Post On Social Media - Earn $7
Take a picture or short video of your Cerra Water Pitcher and post it on Facebook, Instagram or YouTube.
- Take a picture of your Cerra Picture and write a few words about your thoughts on it. Even better if you show off that 10 pH water using Cerra Water pH reagent drops.
- Or take a short video of your Cerra Water Pitcher while saying a few words about it.
- Post it to Facebook, Instagram or Youtube and tag our official account so we can see your post! Make sure to follow us as well and #cerrawater
Facebook @officialCerraWater
Youtube @CerraWater
Instragram @CerraWater
- Once you have done that email us at and we will issue a $7 store credit to your Cerra Water account.
Leave Your Testimonial - Earn $7
Leave a testimonial or review on our website sharing your experiencing with Cerra Water.
- Either leave a testimonial in our testimonial section on our website
- Or leave a review on our product pages
- After you’ve done this we will apply a $7 credit to your Cerra Water account that left the review
- While no purchase in necessary you must have actually used Cerra Water before to be able to leave an honest authentic review or testimonial. For example you could have tried a friends or family members Cerra Water Pitcher.
- P.S. feel free to also share your testimonial of social media
Affiliate Program Sign Up - Earn $7
Sign up for affiliate program and instantly get $7 in affiliate commissions* just for signing up!
- Signing up for our affiliate program is free and gives you a unique link you can share with friends, family or anyone else.
- You will earn a 20% commissions on any purchases made by referring new customers who signed up/ purchased through your affiliate link.
- You will earn lifetime commissions from any new customer you refer! That means you will earn commissions every time they purchase
- Its super easy and if you already have a Cerra Water account just click Affiliate in the top right hand corner read the T&C and click sign up and you will instantly receive your unique affiliate link you can share.
- P.S. feel free to share your affiliate link in your Cerra Water Pitcher social media post or any others.

FAQ & More Details
- You can only participate in each Share & Save activity once. While you can and we encourage you to continue sharing on social media you will only earn the $7 store credit on your first post. Same for leaving a testimonial and signing up for the affiliate program. You cannot create more accounts in an attempt to receive additional credits. We maintain the right to withhold credit if we deem abuse of the program.
- Any picture or video you share must be unique and taken by you. You cannot use other pictures or video you find on the web or reuse ones other customers have already submitted.
- The $7 from signing up for the affiliate program cannot be used towards you purchase until you reach the minimum $50 affiliate commissions in our affiliate program.
- All requests for the Cerra Water Share & Save program must be made through email, please do not call in.
- You will receive your store credit in the form of a Gift Certificate we will email to you shortly after your email us proof of sharing on Social Media or after we review your testimonial/review. We aim to issue all store credit within 48 hours. If you do not see this email please check your junk mail.
- To apply your store credit during checkout in Step 2 of 4 you will have the option to either apply any amount of your current store credit to your order or enter the redemption code if you have not applied it to your account yet. On Step 3 of 4 during checkout you will see this balance being deducted against your total before you confirm your order.
- We reserve the right to use any images, videos, write ups, testimonials, reviews or any content made up under this program for our promotional or marketing material including posting on our own social media accounts.
- We reserve the right to change or cancel this program at any time without notice.