
Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops

Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops

Great product. Since I began drinking high PH water, I have had a significant improvement in my ref...Read More

Judy H., 06/14/2022
5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars
Cerra Water Alkaline Water Filters 3 Pack

Cerra Water Alkaline Water Filters 3 Pack

The replacement filters are a bit pricey, but they last a very long time. The water tastes good and ...Read More

Linda C., 06/14/2022
5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars
Cerra Water Alkaline Water Filters 3 Pack

Cerra Water Alkaline Water Filters 3 Pack

I test and compare alkaline levels between bottled, my tap and Cerra water, and the Cerra water is a...Read More

Terry S., 06/14/2022
5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars
Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops

Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops

Just had to tell you I’ve been using the Cerra Water filter for a month and gotta say it’s the best ...Read More

Betsy K., 02/24/2022
5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars
Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops

Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops

I’ve had the Cerra Water Pitcher for years. Before using this filtration system, I hated drinking wa...Read More

Tala J., 11/29/2021
5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars
Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops

Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops

Gave this pitcher as a gift to older couple and they love it. Say they are feeling better too. Thank...Read More

WM Hagler , 09/11/2019
5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars
Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops

Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops

I wanted to let you know. I had a plant that was dying in my office because we don’t have a “green t...Read More

The Divine Willow, 09/11/2019
5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars
Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops

Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops

So, my Cerra Water system arrived on Wednesday afternoon. By evening I had activated the filter and ...Read More

Stu Selkin, 09/11/2019
5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars
Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops

Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops

Cerra Water comes out of the jug as a light tasting water and the best water I have ever tasted. The...Read More

Jaime A,
5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars
Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops

Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops

I paid $4000 for an electrical ionizer. My daughter would never drink the electrical ionized water b...Read More

Valerie Pearson,
5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars
Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops

Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops

I have been a Cerra Water distributor since December, 2010. To Each of my customers has been 100% s...Read More

David Raphael - CEO, Awakening Mind Inc.,
5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars
Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops

Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops

When I changed from drinking water from a $4000 electric ionizer to the Cerra Water Pitcher I was i...Read More

Peggy Brauer, BScN,
5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars
Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops

Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops

Since I started drinking water from our Cerra Water jug I no longer have pain or the on my hands and...Read More

Lianne A,
5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars
Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops

Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops

I have had athletes foot and since drinking the Cerra water I don't need to put medicine on my fee...Read More

Don H ,
5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars
Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops

Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops

"I am 98% PAIN FREE for the first time in I don't know how many years. I walked around yesterday fe...Read More

Rebecca Kool,
5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars
Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops

Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops

If it were possible to supplement you way to heath I would have been perfect by now. After spendi...Read More

Jane Nam,
5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars
Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops

Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops

My energy levels have definitely gone up since drinking the Cerra Water - way beyond what I would ha...Read More

Debbie K ,
5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars
Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops

Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops

I was so frustrated with my yo- yo weight gain despite marathon running and watching my diet. My cl...Read More

Maggie W.,
5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars
Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops

Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops

I have cystic acne for years now and have tried everything to clear it up to no avail. Once I sta...Read More

Nathan M ,
5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars
Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops

Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops

I never realized how dehydrated I was until I started drinking this Cerra alkaline anti-oxidant w...Read More

Patricia F,
5 of 5 Stars5 of 5 Stars