Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops
Great product. Since I began drinking high PH water, I have had a significant improvement in my ref...Read More
Cerra Water Alkaline Water Filters 3 Pack
The replacement filters are a bit pricey, but they last a very long time. The water tastes good and ...Read More
Cerra Water Alkaline Water Filters 3 Pack
I test and compare alkaline levels between bottled, my tap and Cerra water, and the Cerra water is a...Read More
Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops
Just had to tell you I’ve been using the Cerra Water filter for a month and gotta say it’s the best ...Read More
Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops
I’ve had the Cerra Water Pitcher for years. Before using this filtration system, I hated drinking wa...Read More
Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops
Gave this pitcher as a gift to older couple and they love it. Say they are feeling better too. Thank...Read More
Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops
I wanted to let you know. I had a plant that was dying in my office because we don’t have a “green t...Read More
Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops
So, my Cerra Water system arrived on Wednesday afternoon. By evening I had activated the filter and ...Read More
Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops
Cerra Water comes out of the jug as a light tasting water and the best water I have ever tasted. The...Read More
Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops
I paid $4000 for an electrical ionizer. My daughter would never drink the electrical ionized water b...Read More
Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops
I have been a Cerra Water distributor since December, 2010. To Each of my customers has been 100% s...Read More
Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops
When I changed from drinking water from a $4000 electric ionizer to the Cerra Water Pitcher I was i...Read More
Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops
Since I started drinking water from our Cerra Water jug I no longer have pain or the on my hands and...Read More
Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops
I have had athletes foot and since drinking the Cerra water I don't need to put medicine on my fee...Read More
Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops
"I am 98% PAIN FREE for the first time in I don't know how many years. I walked around yesterday fe...Read More
Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops
If it were possible to supplement you way to heath I would have been perfect by now. After spendi...Read More
Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops
My energy levels have definitely gone up since drinking the Cerra Water - way beyond what I would ha...Read More
Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops
I was so frustrated with my yo- yo weight gain despite marathon running and watching my diet. My cl...Read More
Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops
I have cystic acne for years now and have tried everything to clear it up to no avail. Once I sta...Read More
Classic Cerra Water Pitcher with pH Testing Drops
I never realized how dehydrated I was until I started drinking this Cerra alkaline anti-oxidant w...Read More