Collagen is the fibrous, structural protein that makes up the white fibers, the collagenous fibers, that make up skin, tendons, bones, cartilage and all of the connective tissues in the body. It is also found dispersed in the gels of the body, to provide stiffening. A good example of that is the vitreous humour of the eye. Collagen is the natural protein that constitutes most of the body’s structural support providing a framework on which to hang itself. It is the primary structure of what we know as connective tissue. It is the fibrous connective tissue that holds our body together and gives it shape.

Collagen gives the different organs their strength and along with elastin, their elastic properties. Twenty-five percent of the dry protein weight of the body is collagen. Seventy-five percent of our skin is made of it and thirty percent of our entire body is collagen. It is part of the natural make-up of our tendons, hair, skin, joints, ligaments and vital organs. When the body’s collagen supply is reduced, the body is profoundly affected. It can become weak and achy, movement can become painful and overall performance is weakened and fatigue sets in. These symptoms can be profoundly increased as we age as we lose some of our water content and our bodies become more acidic.

Besides its many structural properties, collagen serves as a major catalyst for growth and repair throughout the body. Nearly all body tissues contain one or more of the fifteen different types of collagen in the body. Many different aging-related diseases are related to lack of these collagen proteins. Unhealthy aging due to acidic and acid forming food and beverage choices, also creates problems with the collagen itself.

As the body ages, the production of collagen slows. It starts slowing in the twenties and by the time we are sixty, we tend to have collagen issues that can be quite profound. Lack of collagen or the body’s improper use of it is how the body stiffens as we age.

With continued aging, our connective and muscle tissues begin to break down until we notice that we are not as strong as we used to be. Bending and lifting become more difficult. Even opening that jar takes on a whole new strategy that we didn’t have to deal with when we were younger.

Outside the body, the skin begins to show the signs of collagen breakdown. The skin starts to wrinkle and lose its healthy glow. We begin to develop ridges and furrows, red marks, brown spots and scaly patches. The skin dries out in spots as its ability to hold moisture in the collagen diminishes.

Healthy collagen is nearly neutral in pH. To keep it healthy and flexible, we must keep it alkaline and full of water. The moistness is important to allow the fibers to slip over one another, allowing for fluid movement and retained strength. When the collagen is healthy and hydrated, everything takes on a new fullness and elasticity that is reminiscent of youth. Not only does the skin soften and smoothen, bones take on a new density and muscles, tendons and ligaments take on a new strength and flexibility of formerly youthful days.
The solution to healthy collagen lies in the water that you drink. Since most of the weight of collagen is in the water it contains, it is imperative to keep hydrated. Drink lots of water and since the body is supposed to be a nearly neutral 7.4 pH, drinking alkaline, ionized water makes so much sense. The reason your collagen got into such rough shape to begin with is because it became acidic because of your diet. To correct the acidic state, drink Cerra alkaline, ionized water to bring the body back to neutral.

Now you can be strong and have beautiful skin all at the same time by starting to drink again, only this time it is Cerra Water.

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