All swimming pools need to have something put in them to control contamination. The “something” of choice is chlorine. It is fairly inexpensive and is widely used. Chlorine is an industrial left over that needed to be sold or destroyed. The industrial sector managed to convince government to put it into the water supplies and into swimming pools and hot tubs. That saved them the cost of having to destroy it. But, and this is a big but, chlorine can be dangerous and is accumulative in the body over time.

The chlorine is put into swimming pools to neutralize contamination from sweat, urine, blood, feces, mucous skin cells and other organic matter that comes in contact with the water. When the chlorine comes in contact with organic matter in the water, it forms chloramines, chloroform, trihalomethanes, haloacetic acids and other dangerous by-products. According to researchers, chloroform contamination can be between 70 and 240 times higher in the air over a covered pool. Outdoor open pools are safer in this regard. The rule of thumb is, if the air in the pool area smells like strong chlorine, don’t go in the pool.

The danger to swimmers who spend a lot of time in the pool on a regular basis has been confirmed by Canadian researchers who found chloroform concentrations in swimmers’ blood ranging from 100 to 1093 parts per billion (ppb) after swimming for an hour in a chlorinated pool. Researchers also noted that a ten minute shower in chlorinated water causes people to accumulate chloroform in their lungs. They measured 2.7 ppb in the lungs after a 10 minute shower in chlorinated water. Normally, people don’t absorb this much contaminant by drinking, although the acidity of the chlorine, is not good for the body.

Swimming is a joy to a lot of people and other swim competitively. Because of this, contamination from swimming pools can be a real concern. The solution seems to be to find a way to rid the body of these by-products. This becomes compelling after reading about studies in Belgium that have connected incidence of malignant melanoma to consumption of chlorinated water and people who work indoors under fluorescent lighting. Franz H. Rampen, et al., of the Netherlands, show in their studies that the chlorination of water for drinking and swimming pools, along with worldwide pollution of our water has led to an increase in melanoma. This group claims that the exposure to sunlight is not as responsible, since most of the melanomas were found in people working indoors, drinking or swimming in chlorinated water.

Water is vital to life so how do you get safe water to drink without chlorine and plastic bottles? The answer is to look at what produces optimum health in the body. The body is healthiest when the pH is a neutral 7.4. Each of the systems of your body has its own unique pH, but they are mostly averaging in the neutral range. Chlorine in an acidic substance as are the by-products formed when the chlorine comes in contact with organic matter.

The effects of chlorine accumulate in the body and you really need to get rid of them. Cerra alkaline, ionized water will help your body detoxify and you’ll get rid of all those chlorinating agents. By continuing your use of  Cerra  water, it keeps flushing it from your system. So all of those carcinogenic agents you can wave bye bye.

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