Category: Diabetes
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People with diabetes should have regular testing to make sure that their diabetes is under control and not causing further health complications. Doctors are saying it is not enough to do daily in-home glucose testing. The goal with all diabetics should be to keep their blood glucose as close to normal as possible.
There are a number of routine clinical tests available for diabetics, but a new study shows that not all diabetics are getting these tests done by their health care professionals.
There are four tests available for people with diabetes. The first test is a hemoglobin A1c test which measures blood glucose levels over time. The American Diabetic Association recommends that this test be done twice a year. Some health professionals recommend it be done four times per year. … Read the rest
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Diabetes is endemic in North America and in countries that start eating our Western Diet. What happened? Our ancestors didn’t become diabetic. It was a rare disease back then. It seems to have crept up on us all until we were snared in it and now there seems to be no way out….but maybe not!
The evidence suggests that we have slipped away from the diet that was farm based and full of fresh, organic produce and meats. We live off store shelves full of convenience foods and then we rush through the drive-thru to get the kids to soccer practice. Rush here, rush there. We are stressed, acidic, dehydrated and exhausted.
yesterday. It started when you graduated from kindergarten, especially after you discovered McWhatever.… Read the rest