Of all the health risks, one of the most serious is obesity. Doctors are now associating obesity with higher rates of chronic medical problems and a much poorer quality of life than is seen with alcohol abuse, smoking and even poverty. In the June 2001 issue of Public Health, an article states that the risk of heart disease, osteoarthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure and certain types of cancer rises with increasing weight gain.

We all know that it is possible to put on weight because we take in more fuel in the form of calories than we need, so the body starts storing it. But there is another type of weight gain caused by toxins present in the body. Toxins are stored in fat cells as a mean of protecting vital organs.… Read the rest

Posted in Weight Loss

Alkaline Water and Obesity

Prof. Hatori Tasutaroo, Head of Akajiuiji Blood Centre, Yokohama Hospital, Faitama District

“Due to a higher standard of living, our eating habits have changed. We consume too much proteins, fats and sugar. The excess fats and carbohydrates are in the body as fats. In the present lifestyles, Americans are more extravagant on food compared to the Japanese. Due to this excessive intake obesity is a significant problem. Normally, one out of five males and one out of four females is obese.
The degree of “burn-out” in food intake largely depends on the amount on intake of vitamins and minerals. When excessive intake of proteins, carbohydrates and fats occurs, the requirement for vitamins and minerals increases. However, there is not much research carried out pertaining to the importance of vitamins and minerals.
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Posted in Doctor Research, Weight Loss