Ever since you could stand, you have been taught to wash your hands and since you have been probably been doing it for that long, you probably think you know all there is to know about hand washing. Of course we all know that we wash our hands to get rid of dirt and germs, but unless you work outdoors, your hands probably don’t get really dirty.

We have become a society concerned about germs. I’m not sure if the advertising industry created the “need” for antibacterial soaps but almost half of all hand cleansers sold in the US contain antibacterial compounds. Scientists have shown that antibacterial cleansers are really no more effective than traditional soaps and may even result in “super bug” infections at the germs mutate in response to the antibacterial product.… Read the rest

Posted in Health

In most people, urine is very acidic. It is the body’s way of getting rid of excess acids in the body from the metabolism of food and other lifestyle choices. When the little engines in the cells called mitochondria fire to provide us with energy, they give off little puffs of metabolic exhaust, which is very acid. The urine is the body’s way of getting rid of it. Unfortunately, if the body is dehydrated, it becomes harder and harder for these acids to be eliminated.

Normally we don’t pay attention to our bladder until we get a signal that we need to empty it. We don’t know what’s in our urine or how acid or neutral it is, we just want to get rid of it.… Read the rest

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For a long time now, we’ve been hearing that drinking 8 glasses of water a day is optimum. Current research and scientific measuring has shown this to be highly inaccurate for a long of people. Holistic health experts are now recommending you drink half your body weight in ounces if you have a minimal  activity level. In other words, if you are 200 pounds, you sit at a desk all day and you go for a walk every day, you need 100 ounces of water every day. But not just any water will do.

You see, it doesn’t matter how much water you drink, it is how much water that is absorbed into the cells that counts.

You can drink lots and lots of water, but if the water you drink  goes galloping through, it won’t get where it needs to go.… Read the rest

Posted in Tips, Water

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