Comments & Lecture Notes by Dr. Mona Harrison, MD Director International Water Council

  • Cancer tumors cannot live in alkaline water. All cancer patients should be on alkaline water, and you and I should be drinking alkalized water so our bodies won’t provide an environment for cancer tumors to live.
  • Alkaline water is fantastic for insomnia and colic.
  • The brain is 90% water and when it can’t maintain that percentage it will pull water from all other parts of the body.
  • Salt, caffeine, nicotine,valium, alcohol and sugar put your body out of balance. If we don’t keep our blood pH at 7.3 or above, death will occur. In fact, death will occur if the blood pH goes below 7.
  • The hydrogen ion is positively charged….[An
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Posted in Doctor Research

Alkaline Water and Obesity

Prof. Hatori Tasutaroo, Head of Akajiuiji Blood Centre, Yokohama Hospital, Faitama District

“Due to a higher standard of living, our eating habits have changed. We consume too much proteins, fats and sugar. The excess fats and carbohydrates are in the body as fats. In the present lifestyles, Americans are more extravagant on food compared to the Japanese. Due to this excessive intake obesity is a significant problem. Normally, one out of five males and one out of four females is obese.
The degree of “burn-out” in food intake largely depends on the amount on intake of vitamins and minerals. When excessive intake of proteins, carbohydrates and fats occurs, the requirement for vitamins and minerals increases. However, there is not much research carried out pertaining to the importance of vitamins and minerals.
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Posted in Doctor Research, Weight Loss

Alkaline Water Used to Neutralize Toxins

Prof. Kuwata Keijiroo, Doctor of Medicine

In my opinion, the wonder of antioxidant water is the ability neutralizes toxins, but it is not a medicine. The difference is that the medicine can only apply to each and individual case, whereas the antioxidant water can be consumed generally and its neutralizing power is something which is very much unexpected. Now, in brief, let me introduce to you a heart disease case and how it was cured.
The patient was a 35 years old male suffering from vascular heart disease. For 5 years, his sickness deteriorated. He was in the Setagays Government Hospital for treatment.
During those 5 years, he had been in and out of the hospital 5 to 6 times.… Read the rest

Posted in Cleansing, Doctor Research

Dr. Theodore A. Baroody from his book “Alkalize or Die.”
It is definitely a health benefit to anyone who would use it. I predict that the use of restructured alkaline (ionized) water will change healthcare on a world-wide basis…

Through a very detailed system of testing and analysis covering 170 areas, called Bio kinetics, I have seen the following areas strengthened and stabilized on my clients by restructured (Ionized) water…

  • Urethra
  • Kidney Gravel
  • Lymph Vessels
  • Alkaline/Acid Balances
  • Colon
  • Stomach
  • Pancreas”The countless names attached to illnesses do not really matter. What does matter is that they all come from the same root cause… too much tissue acid waste in the body!”Extracts from comments & lecture notes by Dr. Mona Harrison, MD, Director International Water CouncilCancer tumors cannot live in alkaline water.
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Posted in Alkaline Water, Doctor Research

by Zoltan P. Rona MD, MSc

During nearly 19 years of clinical practice I have had the opportunity to observe the health effects of drinking different types of water. Most of you would agree that drinking unfiltered tap water could be hazardous to your health because of things like parasites, chlorine, fluoride and dioxins. Many health fanatics, however, are often surprised to hear me say that drinking distilled water or purified water on a regular, daily basis is potentially dangerous. Paavo Airola wrote about the dangers of purified water in the 1970’s when it first became a fad with the health food crowd.

Distillation is the process in which water is boiled, evaporated and the vapor condensed. Reverse osmosis or purified water is free of dissolved minerals and, because of this, has the special property of being able to actively absorb toxic substances from the body and eliminate them.… Read the rest

Posted in Doctor Research, RO, Distilled, Other Filtered Water

by Dr Zoltan P. Rona

During nearly 19 years of clinical practice I have had the opportunity to observe the health effects of drinking different types of water. Most of you would agree that drinking unfiltered tap water could be hazardous to your health because of things like parasites, chlorine, fluoride and dioxins.

Many health fanatics, however, are often surprised to hear me say that drinking distilled water on a regular, daily basis is potentially dangerous.
Paavo Airola wrote about the dangers of distilled water in the 1970’s when it first became a fad with the health food crowd.

Distillation is the process in which water is boiled, evaporated and the vapor condensed. Distilled water is free of dissolved minerals and, because of this, has the special property of being able to actively absorb toxic substances from the body and eliminate them.… Read the rest

Posted in Doctor Research, RO, Distilled, Other Filtered Water


There are many measurements of water, but the most important for determining the best water to drink are, the pH, oxidative reduction potential, or energy potential, or electron activity, molecular structure and purity.

Assuming that most waters that humans are drinking are purified, most tap and bottled water is 10 to 20 molecules per water cluster but science has helped us to determine that the best measurements for our drinking water are the pH and purity.

The larger the molecular water cluster, the lower the electron activity. The smaller the molecular water cluster, the higher the electron activity. The reason that there is greater electron activity surrounding the smaller water cluster is because as one decreases the number of water molecules that are clustering, one increases the surface area that can now express its charge.… Read the rest

Posted in Alkaline Water, Doctor Research

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Dr. Ben Johnson has the unique qualification of three degrees, all related to health. He is a down-to- earth, low key guy living near Atlanta Georgia. see

Here are some of his key points to maintaining breast health, keeping both breasts free from cancer.

In western countries “Breast cancer” is becoming increasingly rampant with devastating consequences for the ladies in our life. Dr. Ben Johnson (a qualified Medical Doctor, Osteopath and Naturopath) has been studying what may be the possible causes for this massive increase over the past 30 years. In adding to his experience, he has travelled widely on every continent, trying to establish why some women living on the continents of Africa, the Indian sub continent and in S.… Read the rest

Posted in Cancer, Doctor Research