Osteoporosis is where the bones in your body become porous from mineral loss. The lack of bone density leads to bone weakness and a higher risk of fractures from fragile bones. There are a number of risk factors that are attributable to osteoporosis including, menopause, lack of Vitamin D, smoking, steroid use, chronic, excessive alcohol intake, lack of exercise, genetics and low intake of calcium-rich foods.

Recent scientific research is showing that although the risk factors can contribute to bone loss, there is one main root cause. It is an acidic body condition called acidosis. It is endemic in North America. It is caused by our poor diets and our dehydrated body condition.

Osteoporosis affects 1.5 million Canadians and 15 million Americans and those numbers are growing as our populations age. It affects one in four women and one in eight men over the age of 50. The implications are staggering personally, economically and in families. As people age, their dietary habits tend to change. They don’t want to cook like they did when the family was all at home. Some people eat out more and some people cannot even afford what they think is a good diet.

Recent research is showing the role the bones play in regulating the body’s acid-base balance. The bones are a ready storage of alkaline minerals. They are the ambulance, the first aid kit of the body. It is there to band-aid the blood when it needs it. The blood is very delicate and will only remain healthy within a very narrow pH range. It can be affected very strongly by temperature, acidity and alkalinity.  The blood pH should between 7.38 and 7.42. If our diet is too acid-forming and doesn’t supply the body with enough alkaline material, then the body starts regulating its pH using “buffers.” You remember from your high school chemistry, the role of acids and bases in their ability to neutralize the other. When the body pH lowers into the more acidic state, particularly the blood, because of diet metabolism or extreme exercise, then the kidneys signal the body to release mineral from the bone storehouse. Over time, the results could be very significant.

In a perfect world, the body would be able to regulate the pH of the blood with the proper diet. North Americans are too acidic from our diets, hectic, stressful lifestyles and our toxic environment. Lack of exercise contributes to our acidic condition as everything sits and stagnates.

When the body accumulates excess acidity, it will buffer it any way it can. It will pull alkaline minerals from the bones, organs and teeth in order to protect the blood. It will even grow fat cells to store it in to protect vital organs. To encourage the minerals to stay in the bones and maintain a less acidic pH, at least within healthy ranges, one must make a conscious effort to improve their diet and lifestyle. A low, or acidic pH is usually caused by too much stress, too much dietary protein, not enough fruits and vegetables, medications, external toxins and lack of exercise.

An acidic pH also changes the way the cells in the bones work. Cells that break down bone called osteoclasts, become activated and cells that build up bone called osteoblasts become inhibited. When pH is acidic, more bone is broken down, resulting in mineral loss. Over time, the result is osteopenia, followed by osteoporosis.

The good news is there are ways to reduce acidity. The first is by increasing fruits and vegetable consumption. It has been shown that by increasing fruits and vegetables, the body becomes more alkaline even though most do not contain large amounts of calcium. If you are not fond of leafy dark green veggies or the chewing that is involved, you may want to try a balanced land and sea green product.  One tablespoon of the greens is equivalent to the fibre and antioxidant equivalent of five dinner salads…without the chewing. You just mix it in water or fruit juice and take it morning and night. The protective effect of greens may be due to the amount of alkalizing substances they contain. Because of this, the green leafies help to keep the body in an anabolic or rebuilding state, which helps the whole body and not just the bones.

Add a biologically active Aloe product to your daily regimen and you have a mineralized collagen rebuilder which will strengthen weakened bones and make the bone more resilient and less brittle.

The fastest way to  buffer the acidity is to  drink Cerra alkaline , anti0oxdiant. This will give your body  give your body more tools to stop leaching minerals from your bones.

By keeping the body in a rebuilding state, you prevent it from ‘stealing’ minerals from the bone. By decreasing the amount of calcium and other minerals taken from the bones, it is entirely possible to reverse the severity of osteoporosis or reversing it altogether, in a safe, natural and scientific way.

Posted in Osteoporosis

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