Have you ever heard the expression that there are certain foods that look like body parts? Well if you cut an avocado in half it looks like an eye, especially with the stone in the middle. As people get older they have two very inconvenient disorders of the eye, macular degeneration and cataracts.

Macular Degeneration is an age-related disorder that blurs the vision in the part of the eye that you use for forward looking activities, such as reading, driving, sewing, walking, writing and face recognition. The macula is the central part of the eye that lets you see fine detail. It becomes damaged creating a circular blurred spot in the vision. Sometimes it advances so slowly that people don’t notice strong changes in their vision until it become significant enough to cause problems.… Read the rest

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We’ve all heard that certain foods are good for you. Mom told us that, but did you know there are some foods that are really over the top for nutrition. Some people call them super foods and for good reason. They contain exceptional amounts of vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, and good fats hidden among their extraordinary flavors.

Life is very hectic these days with free radical levels higher than they have ever been. Lots of people have aches and pains, are tired or just don’t feel well. Our bodies are reeling from the pace that we have set for ourselves. Some people even have difficulty eating healthy, so super foods can put a big dent in the nutritional desert some of us find ourselves in.… Read the rest

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Notice the blood cells in the picture. An expert in live blood microscopy would tell you that some of the platelets are sticky and sticking together. This is usually a result of undigested protein in the blood from poor digestion. This makes the blood acidic. Also notice that the blood cells have indents in the middle which is usually a result of nutritional deficiency, particularly Vitamin B12 and Folic Acid. An expert could probably tell you other things about this picture as well, especially about how the blood pH is very sensitive and must be maintained within very narrow ranges.

The condition where the body becomes overly acid is called acidosis and it can affect our health in very profound ways.… Read the rest

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For a long time now, we’ve been hearing that drinking 8 glasses of water a day is optimum. Current research and scientific measuring has shown this to be highly inaccurate for a long of people. Holistic health experts are now recommending you drink half your body weight in ounces if you have a minimal  activity level. In other words, if you are 200 pounds, you sit at a desk all day and you go for a walk every day, you need 100 ounces of water every day. But not just any water will do.

You see, it doesn’t matter how much water you drink, it is how much water that is absorbed into the cells that counts.

You can drink lots and lots of water, but if the water you drink  goes galloping through, it won’t get where it needs to go.… Read the rest

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That much maligned fat-rich avocado might be better for you than you think. Certain good fats help the absorption of key nutrients that are important for your good health.

In a study published in the Journal of Nutrition, researchers at Ohio State University reported that avocados, which are rich in the monounsaturated type of omega 3 fatty acids help the body absorb up to 15 times more of a class of nutrients called carotenoids, which protect the body against heart disease, inflammation, cancers and blindness.

In recent decades people have been encouraged to eat more vegetables, particularly green ones. Many vegetables, especially the red, orange, yellow and green ones carry high levels of carotenoids but they are extremely low in fat.… Read the rest

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Remember, Oscar, he was that green furry thing on Sesame Street that lived in a garbage can. He was always grumpy, no matter what. What Oscar didn’t realize is that he could change. There are just as many ways to be happy as there are to be unhappy. While in some cases, it is not necessarily a matter of choice, the fact that happiness feels better makes it more enticing. If you are down in the dumps, how do you pick yourself up and be happier?

First of all, be grateful for what you do have. Even though it may not be very much, it is yours and it serves a purpose in your life. We all have something to be grateful for.… Read the rest

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By eating a diet rich in sugars and refined carbohydrates you set your body up for a yeast and fungus overgrowth. A by-product of their growth is over acidity of the body with a resulting accumulation of mycotoxins, the waste of these organisms. These poisons are very irritating to the tissues and continue to be produced as the ideal environment for the yeasts and fungus continues.

Digested grains and sugars are the main foods for these organisms which can multiply in the thousands within minutes. They literally can overtake the beneficial bacteria in your intestines creating a situation where you have gas, bloating and even gastric reflux, not to mention allergies.

They mycotoxins produced can severely stress the immune system as they constantly stimulate it with the ever-present irritation.… Read the rest

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As we’ve discussed in other articles, acidosis is a systemic lowering of the pH of the naturally alkaline organs, fluids and tissues of the body. Naturally, the stomach is acidic and at times, needs to remain so. The predominant terrain in the body needs to be slightly alkaline, with the blood and lymph being around 7.365 to 7.42 pH.

Although the primary cause of acidosis in the body is dietary habits, environmental pollutants, car emissions, pesticides, herbicides, preservatives, vegetable and fruit dyes and waxes, artificial sweeteners, food additives, water pollutants, contaminated soils, tap water additives add to acidosis and toxicity in the body.

Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in North America. Studies show that most of those deaths are premature.… Read the rest

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