Category: Pain
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Since so much of our body consists of water, water affects every cell of our body. You bones even need water. They are just a little denser than some of the other parts of your body. One of the parts of your body that is particularly vulnerable to dehydration is the discs in your spine and the cartilage in your joints. The lack of proper hydration can affect your back to the extent that it becomes painful.
Let me explain. Between every two vertebrae lies a disc. The outer part of the disc is called the nucleus fibrosis. It is made up of tough fibrous material. Inside of this is a soft gelatinous substance called the nucleus pulposa. That inner substance is mainly water.… Read the rest
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by Sang Whang
It is a universal desire of mankind to live a long, pain-free healthy life. Science finally discovers the common cause of aging, pain and degenerative adult diseases. Now you can learn the scientific natural way to extend your life without pain.
When we are under severe stress or over-exert ourselves, we create large concentrations of acidic wastes in particular area(s) in a short time, too fast for the normal body process to disperse them. This is the cause of pain. Also, when that happens, because acid coagulates blood, the capillaries around the concentration get clogged; therefore, blood cannot get into that area to carry out the wastes. It is a vicious cycle. Unattended, the pain can last for a long time.… Read the rest
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In the body, there is a “relay” system that bounces messages from your brain to tell you that you hurt and where. The skin also has a relay system of peripheral nerves that sense hot and cold, sending those messages to the brain. Scientists found that an application of heat actually interferes with pain signals being sent to the brain. They don’t exactly know how this interference occurs, but the sensation of pain seems to lessen with the application of heat. It seems like when the brain senses heat, it becomes “confused” and closes down the intensity of the sensation of pain.
The association between pain and the brain can be somewhat daunting. Because some pain seems to go beyond a reason for the pain, since there seems to be no longer an organic cause, scientists have been exploring how to relieve it without drastic measures.… Read the rest
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Chronic arthritic joints (rheumatoid) and their pains are signals of water deficiency in the affected joint cartilage surfaces. Normally, the cartilage that covers the surface of the bones in joint cavities receives water and nutrients through the bone. In dehydration, the bone marrow takes priority over the cartilage for the water that goes through the bone structure. Under such circumstances, the water requirements of the cartilage have to be satisfied from the vessels that feed the capsule of the joint. The nerve-regulated shunting mechanisms and the increased circulation and swelling of the joint capsule produce the pain.
The local pain is a primary indication that the painful joints are not fully prepared to endure pressure until they are fully hydrated. The arthritis pain also indicates that the pressure-bearing and normally well-lubricated gliding properties of the cartilage contact points are decreased because of lack of sufficient hydration.
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