Meniere’s disease is a disease of balance. The person gets the perception that they are spinning or that their surroundings are spinning. It can be very disconcerting, as it is like you spun yourself around really fast, then tried to stand still while keeping yourself upright. Balance seems to disappear and the sensation of falling is very real. Sometimes vomiting accompanies the dizziness, just like the feeling you experience being on a fast spinning carnival ride. One of the unfortunate effects of Meneire’s is hearing loss. Nystagmus, which is an involuntary side to side eye movement, which usually accompanies Meniere’s can also affect vision acuity.

In the inner ear, balance is maintained by the semicircular canals which are filled with fluid and act like gyroscopes, keeping us balanced and upright.… Read the rest

Posted in Hearing

Alkaline Water and Obesity

Prof. Hatori Tasutaroo, Head of Akajiuiji Blood Centre, Yokohama Hospital, Faitama District

“Due to a higher standard of living, our eating habits have changed. We consume too much proteins, fats and sugar. The excess fats and carbohydrates are in the body as fats. In the present lifestyles, Americans are more extravagant on food compared to the Japanese. Due to this excessive intake obesity is a significant problem. Normally, one out of five males and one out of four females is obese.
The degree of “burn-out” in food intake largely depends on the amount on intake of vitamins and minerals. When excessive intake of proteins, carbohydrates and fats occurs, the requirement for vitamins and minerals increases. However, there is not much research carried out pertaining to the importance of vitamins and minerals.
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Posted in Doctor Research, Weight Loss

Contains excerpts from “Alkalize or Die”, by Dr. T.A. Baroody, Jr .

ACIDOSIS is the basic foundation of all disease. We need to understand the simple process of alkalizing our body and the important role a properly alkalized body plays in restoring and maintaining our overall health. Our glands and organs function properly in exact proportion to the amount of alkaline and acid levels in our system.


The heart is one of the most alkaline-dependent organs in the body. It is partly enervated by the vagus nerve which functions best in an alkaline environment. Correct heartbeat is altered by acid wastes. These wastes rob the blood of proper oxygenation and degeneration of the heart follows.… Read the rest

Posted in Alkaline Water

by Zoltan P. Rona MD, MSc

During nearly 19 years of clinical practice I have had the opportunity to observe the health effects of drinking different types of water. Most of you would agree that drinking unfiltered tap water could be hazardous to your health because of things like parasites, chlorine, fluoride and dioxins. Many health fanatics, however, are often surprised to hear me say that drinking distilled water or purified water on a regular, daily basis is potentially dangerous. Paavo Airola wrote about the dangers of purified water in the 1970’s when it first became a fad with the health food crowd.

Distillation is the process in which water is boiled, evaporated and the vapor condensed. Reverse osmosis or purified water is free of dissolved minerals and, because of this, has the special property of being able to actively absorb toxic substances from the body and eliminate them.… Read the rest

Posted in Doctor Research, RO, Distilled, Other Filtered Water