All that wonderful food we eat, all those nutritious greens, all that organic, tasty food that we so enjoy must metabolize. The body uses it to fire the cells. In return the cells give off carbon dioxide, water, energy and heat. When proteins are broken down and used by the cells, toxic, acidic, nitrogenous wastes like ammonia and urea are formed and excreted by the cells into the spaces between the cells. Somehow the body has to get rid of these acids because they are extremely irritating to the body and cause inflammation. It is imperative because of all of the other things that the kidneys do that are vital to life. This whole metabolic and inflammation cycle is totally dependent on water.… Read the rest

Posted in Kidneys

Kidney stones are a symptom of an acidic lifestyle and dietary choices. The first major cause of kidney stones is sugar. I guess I’m dating myself here, but when I was a child, I remember a song I would hear on the radio called Sugar In The Morning, Sugar In The Evening… The babysitter I used to go to after school would give me sugar sandwiches on fluffy white bread as an after school snack. Now, of course, there is so much evidence out there that sugar in ALL forms causes terrible things to happen in the body, one of them being kidney stones. The second major acid producer in the body that can cause kidney stones is animal protein. When someone can eat half a bucket of fried chicken or that 16 ounce steak at a single sitting, then there is really cause for concern.… Read the rest

Posted in Kidneys

According to the US National Kidney Foundation, 1 in 9 Americans have Chronic Kidney Disease. Scientific studies show that at least 75% of Americans are dehydrated enough that it affects their health in a negative way, so for those 1 in 9, it has developed into kidney disease. In my article The Kidneys And Alkaline, Ionized Water, I explain what the kidneys do in the body and how dependent they are on water for their efficient and normal function. So now what happens if you have reduced kidney function because of chronic dehydration and acidosis?

According to scientific studies, there are several causes of kidney disease, some of them are supposed to be genetic. Scientific evidence shows that 35 per cent of what goes on in the body is genetic, the other 65 per cent we can control with lifestyle, so I don’t know how much of an excuse we can give to genetics.… Read the rest

Posted in Kidneys