
 Getting older and aging are not the same thing.
  • Getting older relates to the passage of time.
  • Aging relates to the breakdown of tissues in the body.
  • The outward signs of aging include wrinkles, sagging, and gray hair.
  • Getting older by itself does not cause aging.Aging is the result of damage to bodily tissues by organic acids and by active oxygen (free radicals).
  • Organic acids in the body break down tissues, causing aging and age-related diseases.
  • Common waste products in the body include acetic acid, carbonic acid, fatty acids, lactic acid,and uric acid.
  • Active oxygen (free radicals) causes oxidative damage to molecules within cells of the body.
  • Free radicals are associated with a numerous diseases, including cancer, arthritis, atherosclerosis,Alzheimer’s disease, and diabetes.Drinking ionized alkaline water can help neutralize acids and scavenge free radicals in the body.
  • Drinking ionized alkaline water causes the stomach to produce bicarbonates, which are absorbed into the blood stream and can neutralize acids.
  • A proven scavenger for active oxygen is active hydrogen. 1
  • Active hydrogen is produced in water using electrolysis, the process used to ionize drinkingwater.”As we start to lose bicarbonates in our blood, around age 45, we begin to age physiologically,” writes Sang Whang, author of Aging and Reverse Aging. “All we have to do to stop aging and maintain good health is to recharge bicarbonates to the blood.” 2

    1 Shirahata, S.; Kabayama, S.; Nakano, M.; Miura, T.; Kusumoto, K.; Gotoh, M.; Hayashi, H.; Otsubo, K.; Morisawa, S.; Katakura, Y. (1997). “Electrolyzed– Reduced Water Scavenges Active Oxygen Species and Protects DNA from Oxidative Damage”. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 234 (1): 269-274.

    2 Whang, Sang, Aging and Reverse Aging. Miami: JSP Publishing, 2005, p. 11.

 Weight Loss

Research by Dr. Robert O. Young, author of The pH Miracle for Weight Loss, shows that the epidemic of obesity in the industrialized world is result of acidity in the body.

The body creates fat cells to trap and neutralize acids in the system.

  • The modern diet of meats, grains, and beverages such as coffee, tea, soft drinks and alcohol is extremely acidic.
  • Some acids are voided through urination, defecation, and perspiration, but many acids remain in the system.
  • Excess acids in the body break down healthy tissue, so the body protects itself by creating a natural buffer of fat.
  • Fat cells bind to acids. Some fat cells are voided from the system, but many fat cells are stored in the body, resulting in weight gain.Traditional weight loss methods are doomed to fail.
    • Reducing portion size of meals only minimally decreases acid intake.
    • Reducing calories will not decrease the acidity of the body-and may increase it if largeamounts of acidic beverages are included.
    • Reducing fats in the diet will not reduce the acidity of the body or result in weight loss.
    • Increasing the intake of meat will increase the acidity in the body.
    • Exercise increases the production of acids, such as lactic acid. Many acids arereleased through perspiration, but some are retained by the system, causing pain in muscles.Drinking alkaline water releases fats and creates weight loss.
    • Alkaline water can reduce the body’s acidity and stop fat storage.
    • Micro-clusters of ionized water help flush acid and toxins from the system.
    • Once fat cells are no longer needed, the body will eliminate them-the fat melts away.A healthy body causes weight loss, not the other way around.
    • A healthy, non-acidic body will return to its natural, ideal weight.
    • Freed of toxins, the body’s cells, tissues, and organs achieve a healthier state.
    • A detoxified, non-acidic body has more energy and vitality.”Your body can-and will-let go of the excess fat,” writes Dr. Young. “If your food and drink are alkaline (meaning, in basic chemistry, the opposite of acid), all that acid-binding fat will just melt right off. There will be no need for the body to hold on to it anymore.” 1

1 Young, Dr. Robert O., The pH Miracle for Weight Loss. New York: Grand Central Publishing, 2005, p. 15.

 Sports Hydration


Proper hydration sustains the body’s physiological responses in all activities, but the physical and mental stresses of athletic training and competition magnify the importance of hydration. Numerous studies conducted on athletes since the 1940s have demonstrated that even mild dehydration impairs performance.

Athletes should avoid losing even 2% of the total body weight in water.

  • Studies performed since the 1940s have shown that a loss of water equal to 2% of the body weight impairs performance.
  • Recent studies have shown performance loss at dehydration levels less than 2% of body weight.
  • Dehydration causes reduced aerobic endurance and increased body temperature, heart rate, and reliance on carbohydrate as a fuel source.Prehydration: drinking water before exercise
  • The goal of prehydration is to start an exercise activity in an euhydrated state.
  • Euhydration means the body is hydrated and plasma electrolyte levels are at anormal level.
  • Prehydration should be performed several hours before exercise to enable fluidabsorption and allow urine output to return to normal levels.Hydration: drinking water during exercise
    • The goal of hydration is to prevent excessive water loss through perspiration.
    • Individual perspiration rates can be estimated by weighing yourself before and afterexercise.
    • Each pound of body weight equals one pint (8 ounces) of water lost.
    • The goal is to prevent water loss in excess of 2% of the total body weight or onebecomes dehydrated.The ideal composition of drinking water for sports.
  • Experts long thought salt (sodium) needed to be added to the water to replace salt lost through perspiration.
  • Current thought is that athletes consuming a traditional Western diet have consumed an abundance of salt, so there is no need to replace salt when exercise last less than two hours.
  • Water that has been alkalinized may help neutralize the exercise induced acidosis (lactic acid build up), since the pH of alkaline water is high.
  • Ionized water may help act as a free-radical scavenger to address the issue of accelerated oxygen consumption.
  • Ionized water is micro-clustered, so it may be absorbed at a faster rate, helping with rehydration.Dr. Peter L. Kopko, D.C., recommends drinking 13 to 20 ounces (2-3 cups) of water 2 hours before exercise and 5 to 10 ounces (about 1-2 cups) every 15 to 20 minutes of exercise, depending on your total body weight.
Posted in Anti Aging, Exercise, Weight Loss

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