It’s so nice that you and your honey have decided to have your own sweet bundle of joy. Just like you get ready by quitting smoking, letting go of those weekend cocktails and smartening up your diet, you need to prepare your body in one other important way.

Once you understand how your body works, you can avoid a lot of the “side effects” of being pregnant and even avoid a lot of the fussy baby problems after delivery.

When you eat food, your body burns it as fuel in the cells which give off little puffs of metabolic exhaust. This metabolic exhaust is chemically acidic and the osmotic pumps in your cells and your lymph must have enough water available to push the acidic waste into your elimination system.… Read the rest

Posted in Pregnancy

Yes, water in containers is now more expensive than gasoline. Every bottle of water will soon be worth more than gold. What is it about bottled water other than convenience that makes it so expensive? It has no fabulous taste, It doesn’t have protein or carbs. Some of the waters are vitamin-enhanced but they don’t have essential fats or other health promoting supplements. The truth is, it is the labor and transportation to get the water to market that is the most expensive.

Water, pure, clean water is more important to your body than you realize. It is interesting to note that up to 90 percent of the population is dehydrated. A lot of people drink no water at all. They prefer drinks that taste good and that they like.… Read the rest

Posted in Water


Comments & Lecture Notes by Dr. Mona Harrison, MD Director International Water Council

  • Cancer tumors cannot live in alkaline water. All cancer patients should be on alkaline water, and you and I should be drinking alkalized water so our bodies won’t provide an environment for cancer tumors to live.
  • Alkaline water is fantastic for insomnia and colic.
  • The brain is 90% water and when it can’t maintain that percentage it will pull water from all other parts of the body.
  • Salt, caffeine, nicotine,valium, alcohol and sugar put your body out of balance. If we don’t keep our blood pH at 7.3 or above, death will occur. In fact, death will occur if the blood pH goes below 7.
  • The hydrogen ion is positively charged….[An
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Posted in Doctor Research

Alkaline Water and Obesity

Prof. Hatori Tasutaroo, Head of Akajiuiji Blood Centre, Yokohama Hospital, Faitama District

“Due to a higher standard of living, our eating habits have changed. We consume too much proteins, fats and sugar. The excess fats and carbohydrates are in the body as fats. In the present lifestyles, Americans are more extravagant on food compared to the Japanese. Due to this excessive intake obesity is a significant problem. Normally, one out of five males and one out of four females is obese.
The degree of “burn-out” in food intake largely depends on the amount on intake of vitamins and minerals. When excessive intake of proteins, carbohydrates and fats occurs, the requirement for vitamins and minerals increases. However, there is not much research carried out pertaining to the importance of vitamins and minerals.
… Read the rest

Posted in Doctor Research, Weight Loss

Alkaline Water Used to Neutralize Toxins

Prof. Kuwata Keijiroo, Doctor of Medicine

In my opinion, the wonder of antioxidant water is the ability neutralizes toxins, but it is not a medicine. The difference is that the medicine can only apply to each and individual case, whereas the antioxidant water can be consumed generally and its neutralizing power is something which is very much unexpected. Now, in brief, let me introduce to you a heart disease case and how it was cured.
The patient was a 35 years old male suffering from vascular heart disease. For 5 years, his sickness deteriorated. He was in the Setagays Government Hospital for treatment.
During those 5 years, he had been in and out of the hospital 5 to 6 times.… Read the rest

Posted in Cleansing, Doctor Research

by Sang Whang

The process of metabolism, the oxidation (burning) of nutrients to get energy to function, creates residue waste products that the body has to get rid of. The question is how well or how quickly are we getting rid of all these waste products? The waste products we do not discard completely must be stored within our body somewhere. The process of aging which starts from the very beginning of our life, is the accumulation of these non-disposed waste products. Cells deteriorate because the waste products are being accumulated. Can you imagine a house that is only allowed to throw out 99,9% of its garbage that it produces every day?

If we can somehow pull out old waste products that we have stored within our body from a few years ago, we will grow that much younger.

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Posted in Anti Aging

Dr. Theodore A. Baroody from his book “Alkalize or Die.”
It is definitely a health benefit to anyone who would use it. I predict that the use of restructured alkaline (ionized) water will change healthcare on a world-wide basis…

Through a very detailed system of testing and analysis covering 170 areas, called Bio kinetics, I have seen the following areas strengthened and stabilized on my clients by restructured (Ionized) water…

  • Urethra
  • Kidney Gravel
  • Lymph Vessels
  • Alkaline/Acid Balances
  • Colon
  • Stomach
  • Pancreas”The countless names attached to illnesses do not really matter. What does matter is that they all come from the same root cause… too much tissue acid waste in the body!”Extracts from comments & lecture notes by Dr. Mona Harrison, MD, Director International Water CouncilCancer tumors cannot live in alkaline water.
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Posted in Alkaline Water, Doctor Research

Thursday, August 02, 2007 by: Mike Adams

It’s a great marketing gimmick: A bottle of water with a clean, blue label showing images of snow-capped mountains and the claim, “Pure water, perfect taste.” That’s the image created by Pepsico’s Aquafina brand of water, and many consumers leap to the incorrect conclusion that Aquafina is sourced from mountain spring water.

In reality, Aquafina comes from tap water. Yes, the same water you get when you turn on your kitchen faucet. Of course, Aquafina is filtered, purified and perhaps even enhanced with trace amounts of added minerals, but it’s certainly not mountain spring water. It’s just processed tap water — the same stuff that fills your toilet bowl when you flush.

Both the International Bottled Water Association (IBWA) and the FDA believe there’s really no need to require bottled water manufacturers to admit their products come from tap water.… Read the rest

Posted in RO, Distilled, Other Filtered Water

More about:

by Sang Whang

It is a universal desire of mankind to live a long, pain-free healthy life. Science finally discovers the common cause of aging, pain and degenerative adult diseases. Now you can learn the scientific natural way to extend your life without pain.

When we are under severe stress or over-exert ourselves, we create large concentrations of acidic wastes in particular area(s) in a short time, too fast for the normal body process to disperse them. This is the cause of pain. Also, when that happens, because acid coagulates blood, the capillaries around the concentration get clogged; therefore, blood cannot get into that area to carry out the wastes. It is a vicious cycle. Unattended, the pain can last for a long time.… Read the rest

Posted in Pain

Contains excerpts from “Alkalize or Die”, by Dr. T.A. Baroody, Jr .

ACIDOSIS is the basic foundation of all disease. We need to understand the simple process of alkalizing our body and the important role a properly alkalized body plays in restoring and maintaining our overall health. Our glands and organs function properly in exact proportion to the amount of alkaline and acid levels in our system.


The heart is one of the most alkaline-dependent organs in the body. It is partly enervated by the vagus nerve which functions best in an alkaline environment. Correct heartbeat is altered by acid wastes. These wastes rob the blood of proper oxygenation and degeneration of the heart follows.… Read the rest

Posted in Alkaline Water