A few years ago now, William Duffy wrote a book called Sugar Blues. In it he writes about the addictive qualities of white sugar saying, “It is much like a drug and the difference between sugar addiction and narcotic addiction is largely one of degree,” What makes sugar qualify as an addictive substance? By eating one piece or one bite of something containing sugar, it creates a desire for more and more. Also when one decides to quit eating it ‘cold turkey’, withdrawal symptoms appear which encourage one to go back to eating sugar again.  Symptoms like depression, fatigue, fuzzy thinking, headaches, blurred vision, strong cravings and mood swings are not pleasant and can be caused by withdrawing sugar from the diet.… Read the rest

Posted in Food

In a recent issue of the Journal of Experimental Medicine, Australian researchers have shown how a sugar hit affects the microzymas that make up human genes, altering their ability to function. Since sugar is very acidic to the body, the microzymas “remember” the hit for up to two weeks. The effect is such that the genetic material switches off genetic controls that are designed to protect the body against damage that causes chronic disease.
Researchers in Australia, led by lead researcher Sam El-Ostra, from the Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute says, “ We now know that chocolate bar you had this morning can have acute effects, and those effects can continue for up to two weeks.”
“These changes continue beyond the meal itself and have the ability to alter natural metabolic responses to diet,” he told Australian Associated Press Friday.… Read the rest

Posted in Food

Sugar is one of the most seductive foods out there. It tastes good and it is in more foods than you can imagine. Worst of all, with some people it is addictive. They can’t get enough of it. The truth is sugar is a poison. It will eventually ruin your health, especially past the age of 35.

The sad thing is, everyone thinks they are immune to any kind of illness. They keep eating things that they like, because they like them. They don’t think about consequences down the road. I feel fine right now so that is all that counts.

Sugar is an emotional comfort. It brings comfort and pleasure when you’re tired, stressed or upset. Time for coffee and donuts at 10:30 to tide you over until lunch.… Read the rest

Posted in Food