Tag: Wellness
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Dr. Ben Johnson has the unique qualification of three degrees, all related to health. He is a down-to- earth, low key guy living near Atlanta Georgia. see http://www.thehealingcodes.com/thoughts.htm
Here are some of his key points to maintaining breast health, keeping both breasts free from cancer.
In western countries “Breast cancer” is becoming increasingly rampant with devastating consequences for the ladies in our life. Dr. Ben Johnson (a qualified Medical Doctor, Osteopath and Naturopath) has been studying what may be the possible causes for this massive increase over the past 30 years. In adding to his experience, he has travelled widely on every continent, trying to establish why some women living on the continents of Africa, the Indian sub continent and in S.… Read the rest
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by Winston W. J. Kao ~ inventor, researcher, and educator
Do you drink reverse osmosis or distilled water? Why? Was it recommended to you by a health practitioner? Do you believe that it is the healthiest water for your body because it has nothing in it? Did you know that every bottle of reverse osmosis, distilled, or de-ionized water sold in Europe used to contain a skull and crossbones on the label with a warning? Do you know that the European label states that these waters are only to be used for steam irons and batteries, and not to be given to pets? If Europeans won’t drink these waters or feed them to their pets, then do you really think it’s okay for you to drink them?… Read the rest
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Most of us know how good it feels to be out in the sun. It is such a delight to feel the warmth of the sun on our skin. Its brightness often lifts our mood. We even seem to be more motivated to accomplish tasks at hand when the sun is shining.
Sunlight contains two types of light. The light you can see is the visible light. When you see a rainbow, you are looking at the seven colors which make up visible light. The invisible light is made up of infrared and ultraviolet rays.
Infrared rays naturally come from the sun and they are the healthiest and the most comforting. They have the ability to penetrate deeply into the skin.… Read the rest
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Tryptophan is an amino acid the body cannot produce that metabolizes into Serotonin, which is one of the body’s most important neurotransmitters. Serotonin gives you a very nice feeling of well-being and mellowness that smooths everything out, taking the jagged edges away. If you have depression or anxiety and you need some help, there are a number of foods that are high in tryptophan that will do the same thing as Prozac, Paxil and similar anti-depressants. Even tryptophan supplements taken at the evening meal in 500mg to 2000 mg doses helps people to relax.
Let’s get to the nuts and bolts of the tryptophan rich foods that help you stay relaxed and calm. Before we talk about the tryptophan rich foods you need to know that increasing your tryptophan levels is more than just eating foods high in this amino acid.… Read the rest
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Researchers reporting in the New England Journal of Medicine say that some people are sensitive to low barometric pressures while flying in commercial aircraft. Very low barometric pressures are uncommon in modern aircraft but sea-level air pressures are not the norm either. Some passengers flying on long commercial flights experience feeling of illness similar to mountain climbers who experience altitude sickness.
Feelings of weakness, along with headaches, nausea, mental confusion, fuzzy thinking, leg cramps, swollen hands and feet, dry scratchy throat, and disturbances in sleep seem to be the cluster of symptoms experienced by those passengers flying about 6,500 feet. Even alarming symptoms like blood clots are being experienced more and more among long flight flyers.
Aside from the low barometric pressure, some of the symptoms can also be attributed to prolonged sitting, foul cabin air, fatigue, dehydration and even jet lag.… Read the rest
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Drinking a liter of alkaline, ionized water upon rising helps to flush out the kidneys, bladder and bowels, and rehydrates and energizes the body with extra electrons. Energy is electrons in motion.
Alkaline, ionized water is up to 6 times more hydrating than any other water.
The body is” alkaline by design and acidic by function”, so drinking alkaline, ionized water can help you to live a healthy and energetic life free from sickness and dis-ease. The health of the 70 trillion cells that make up the body function best when bathed in alkalinity!
Optimally, the stomach should to be alkaline at 7.2 or so to buffer the hydrochloric acid. Alkaline, ionized water bathes the cells in alkalinity with its electrons which will help prepare the body to receive food.… Read the rest
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Every cell of your body if filled with and cushioned by water. Your cells are like fish in a fish tank. When your fish isn’t doing to well, you don’t take it to the vet, you change the water it is living in. So the cleaner and less acidic the water in the fish bowl is, the healthier your fish will be. Hmmm. Is there are metaphor here?
Considering that every time you eat, your body produces acidic waste, there must be a healthy way to get rid of it. By drinking acidic tap and bottled water, you are maintaining an acid condition in your body. There are only four ways that you can get rid of waste in your body: respiration, urination, perspiration and defecation.… Read the rest
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In the body, there is a “relay” system that bounces messages from your brain to tell you that you hurt and where. The skin also has a relay system of peripheral nerves that sense hot and cold, sending those messages to the brain. Scientists found that an application of heat actually interferes with pain signals being sent to the brain. They don’t exactly know how this interference occurs, but the sensation of pain seems to lessen with the application of heat. It seems like when the brain senses heat, it becomes “confused” and closes down the intensity of the sensation of pain.
The association between pain and the brain can be somewhat daunting. Because some pain seems to go beyond a reason for the pain, since there seems to be no longer an organic cause, scientists have been exploring how to relieve it without drastic measures.… Read the rest
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Chronic arthritic joints (rheumatoid) and their pains are signals of water deficiency in the affected joint cartilage surfaces. Normally, the cartilage that covers the surface of the bones in joint cavities receives water and nutrients through the bone. In dehydration, the bone marrow takes priority over the cartilage for the water that goes through the bone structure. Under such circumstances, the water requirements of the cartilage have to be satisfied from the vessels that feed the capsule of the joint. The nerve-regulated shunting mechanisms and the increased circulation and swelling of the joint capsule produce the pain.
The local pain is a primary indication that the painful joints are not fully prepared to endure pressure until they are fully hydrated. The arthritis pain also indicates that the pressure-bearing and normally well-lubricated gliding properties of the cartilage contact points are decreased because of lack of sufficient hydration.
… Read the rest
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Water is unmistakably required for life. Eastern medical practice is based on the understanding that Chi is just as essential to life as water. Essentially water and Chi are both “fluids of life”, one visible and the other invisible. To mimic nature and our understanding of what we see as visible, the water, has a direct correlation to the invisible, the Chi.
Chi has both energy and information like properties. A holographic theory of imprinting water by Dr. Emoto also shows that water unifies with thought and intention. It is entirely possible that water might include Chi, because both can be used as the carrier for imprinting information. Because they both are so interconnected and similar, they both need to be flowing and “alive”.… Read the rest