Is Toxicity Your Problem?

The following is designed to help you assess if toxicity is a problem
for you. After answering all questions find out your score.

Do you suffer from:

1. Bad Breath
Occasional or mild problems
Frequent or severe problems

2. Abdominal Bloating
Occasional or mild problems
Frequent or severe problems

3. Constipation
Occasional or mild problems
Frequent or severe problems

4. Fatigue
Occasional or mild problems
Frequent or severe problems

5. Intolerance to rich/fatty food
Occasional or mild problems
Frequent or severe problems

6. Food Sensitivities
Occasional or mild problems
Frequent or severe problems

7. Sensitivities to perfumes, paint fumes, traffic fumes or detergents
Occasional or mild problems
Frequent or severe problems


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Posted in Health, The Water Library

A lot of people ask me where to start to get healthy. The logical place to start is at the beginning. By keeping things simple and looking at the single cell and its function, it won’t matter if you are talking about high blood pressure, arthritis, diabetes or even cancer, you have to find out why the cells aren’t working the way they are supposed to. By getting to the root of the problem, you don’t treat symptoms, you get to the root cause of what is going on.

Each organ system in the body has groups of cells that like specific environments to thrive in. The cells in these environments have very specific requirements. The cells need adequate water to fuel, metabolize and clean house.… Read the rest

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Health begins with water. Since the body is made mostly of water (about 70%), all body functions are dependent on water. I guess you could call water a universal solvent. Most nutrients with the exception of fats are dissolved in water, transported in the water-based blood system and used by water-filled cells. And, because the cells are filled with water, the water lubricates, them, like cartilage and muscle cells. It also keeps cell walls pliable and receptive to nutrient inflow and waste outflow.

These facts point to the crucial nature of proper hydration for a healthy body. It is even more important as we get older as will be explained soon. Every organ in the body depends on water to function properly and efficiently.… Read the rest

Posted in Health

If you’ve never tasted it, good alkaline ionized water it has a really fantastic taste, especially if you drink it from high in the mountains as it bubbles down over the rocks and the waterfalls. Today even more than ever it’s so important to good health but there is nothing more difficult to find. It is just not available in our cities, unless you make it yourself with an alkalizing ionizing machine such as any of the Ionways models.

Imagine being able to duplicate that sparkling mountain stream right in your own home. That is where a good quality water ionizer comes in.

Filtration systems such as reverse osmosis systems only remove the solids and the floaties but they don’t change whether the water is acid or alkaline.… Read the rest

Posted in Health

ABC News reports that the US Environmental Protection has come under scrutiny from the American Congress for the state of US drinking water. Congress wants to know why the Safe Drinking Water Act has not been enforced to the point that tap water in many areas of the country is dangerous to drink.

The Safe Drinking Water Act was enacted in 1974 but many aspects of the act snarl enforcement in red tape. For example the Act does not authorize the EPA to monitor drinking water in schools directly. Instead the EPA depends on the water providers for the schools to ensure that the water is safe to drink, in addition to relying on the state monitoring systems to check up on the water providers and prosecute violations.… Read the rest

Posted in Health, Water

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Baby boomers are members of a group of babies that exploded into the world at the end of World War 11 and beyond. Between 1946 and 1964, there were 76 million of us born. The oldest of us is at or nearing retirement age. Studies have shown that as a demographic, we are more interested in our health and staying fit than any other group in history. We spend a lot of money to improve and preserve our health.

As we age, we tend to be more prone to aches, pains and injuries than younger fitness buffs. These aches and pains, we laughingly refer to as “boomeritis.” Despite this, we have helped the fitness and health club business grow stupendously since the first boomers hit the big “four O.”… Read the rest

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Ever since you could stand, you have been taught to wash your hands and since you have been probably been doing it for that long, you probably think you know all there is to know about hand washing. Of course we all know that we wash our hands to get rid of dirt and germs, but unless you work outdoors, your hands probably don’t get really dirty.

We have become a society concerned about germs. I’m not sure if the advertising industry created the “need” for antibacterial soaps but almost half of all hand cleansers sold in the US contain antibacterial compounds. Scientists have shown that antibacterial cleansers are really no more effective than traditional soaps and may even result in “super bug” infections at the germs mutate in response to the antibacterial product.… Read the rest

Posted in Health

Remember, Oscar, he was that green furry thing on Sesame Street that lived in a garbage can. He was always grumpy, no matter what. What Oscar didn’t realize is that he could change. There are just as many ways to be happy as there are to be unhappy. While in some cases, it is not necessarily a matter of choice, the fact that happiness feels better makes it more enticing. If you are down in the dumps, how do you pick yourself up and be happier?

First of all, be grateful for what you do have. Even though it may not be very much, it is yours and it serves a purpose in your life. We all have something to be grateful for.… Read the rest

Posted in Health, Stress

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