There are hidden substances all around you, in the air, in your food and water. Not to get paranoid about it is a good call. You would have a hard time living, if you knew and dwelt on all the ramifications. But a good housecleaning once in a while is a good plan. As you learn to reduce, reuse and recycle in your own home and environment, you learn to reduce toxins and waste in your world. You learn to do things a different way and you learn to do without things that are potentially harmful. You can do that inside, too, in your internal environment.

Just as our world has become piled with garbage, polluted with industrial chemicals, wastes and filled with smoggy air, so is our inner world filled with the remnant of toxins that we take into our bodies unwittingly or unknowingly, day after day.… Read the rest

Posted in Cleansing

In the Globe and Mail newspaper on Wednesday November 9, 2005, Andre Picard reported on a study on human contaminants, using 11 volunteers, including well know wildlife artist, Robert Bateman. The resulting report entitled “Toxic Nation: A Report on Pollution in Canadians,” shows how despite clean living, we are all a repository for all kinds of toxins and pollutants, including, heavy metals; PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls used in electrical transformers and now banned); PBDEs (polybrominated diphenyl ethers used as fire retardants); PFOs (perfluorinated chemicals used in stain repellants, non-stick cookware and food packaging), pesticides and insecticides.

Robert Bateman is a very environmentally conscious individual who eats organic food and lives in a rural community. If he has 48 different toxic substances in his body, can you imagine what a city dweller could have in theirs.… Read the rest

Posted in Cleansing