There are hidden substances all around you, in the air, in your food and water. Not to get paranoid about it is a good call. You would have a hard time living, if you knew and dwelt on all the ramifications. But a good housecleaning once in a while is a good plan. As you learn to reduce, reuse and recycle in your own home and environment, you learn to reduce toxins and waste in your world. You learn to do things a different way and you learn to do without things that are potentially harmful. You can do that inside, too, in your internal environment.

Just as our world has become piled with garbage, polluted with industrial chemicals, wastes and filled with smoggy air, so is our inner world filled with the remnant of toxins that we take into our bodies unwittingly or unknowingly, day after day.… Read the rest

Posted in Cleansing

In the Globe and Mail newspaper on Wednesday November 9, 2005, Andre Picard reported on a study on human contaminants, using 11 volunteers, including well know wildlife artist, Robert Bateman. The resulting report entitled “Toxic Nation: A Report on Pollution in Canadians,” shows how despite clean living, we are all a repository for all kinds of toxins and pollutants, including, heavy metals; PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls used in electrical transformers and now banned); PBDEs (polybrominated diphenyl ethers used as fire retardants); PFOs (perfluorinated chemicals used in stain repellants, non-stick cookware and food packaging), pesticides and insecticides.

Robert Bateman is a very environmentally conscious individual who eats organic food and lives in a rural community. If he has 48 different toxic substances in his body, can you imagine what a city dweller could have in theirs.… Read the rest

Posted in Cleansing

The following article is very important for everyone to understand what stress does to them in their daily lives. It is one of the worst factors to create an acidic condition in the body which causes inflammation. Science is now proving that acidity in the body is the root of all inflammation and subsequent disease. It is so important to remember that whatever foods you eat are not enough. You need to eat more alkaline-forming foods in your diet. You need to supplement your diet with alkaline, high antioxidant “foods” and drinks. Recent scientific studies indicate one of the simplest and most effective ways to alkalize your body is to drink Cerra alkaline, ionized water. If you drink alkaline, ionized water all day, in addition to better food choices, you are repairing the three serious risk factors for disease, an acidic body condition, free radical damage and dehydration.Read the rest

Posted in Anti Aging

Imagine trillions of little engines, one or more in each of the cells in your body, each one alight with the fire of energy production and cell maintenance. As each little engine uses the fuel provided by our digestive and enzymatic process and combines with oxygen, it draws fuel into itself and gives off metabolic exhaust. This metabolic exhaust is the free radicals that run amuck in our body. They become a grave problem because unless they are neutralized by anti-oxidant activity or anti-oxidant enzymes, they ricochet around our body, burning holes in our tissues by snatching oxygen molecules and regenerating. The process cycles continuously unless the free radicals are neutralized. This tissue destruction is called oxidative stress. As we get older, the tissues become inflamed by this oxidative attack and the signs of aging begin to appear.… Read the rest

Posted in Stress

Ah, Baseball Season! Warm weather, the smell of popcorn and hotdogs wafting over the stands and our team is winning. Whether it is you playing or your kids, or maybe you’re all sitting in the stands, you all need to have enough water. Drinks like sodas, sports drinks, juice and coffee don’t cut it. All of them are acidic. None of them are healthy and long term use can cause health problems later on. You need to drink good quality water.

You probably think you are already drinking the best water. After all your local public health department assures you that your tap water is just fine. It is loaded with additives and maybe even by-products from those additives that may make the water acidic and unhealthy to drink over the long term.… Read the rest

Posted in Exercise

Go to the fridge of any supermarket and you will find dozens and dozens of different brands of water and other beverages. There are even a dozen or so energy drinks which will shock your adrenals and give you a temporary boost of cortisol to rev you up. If all else fails get a shot of caffeine with a bunch of sugar added, can it and you’re good to go.

To understand why you are dehydrated, we need to look at the basics. It all comes down to acid/alkaline balance and of course why you are attracted to drinks in bottles in the first place. It is not attractive or enticing to drink something out of a tap that smells like a swimming pool.… Read the rest

Posted in dehydration

It is estimated that over 80% of all deaths in North America are premature. That is to say that their deaths could have been prevented. The leading causes of death are heart disease, diabetes and obesity. Because these health conditions are the result of a chronically acid body, science now believes that these conditions are totally preventable. Other health conditions like allergies, depression, poor digestion, headaches, irritable bowel syndrome, fatigue, anxiety, asthma, osteoporosis, cancer, infections and many other conditions, 68 or more, all have direct links to our nutritional intake and the amount of acidic forming foods we consume.

We are a fast-paced society and to live in certain cities and parts of the world you need lots of energy just to keep up with the pace of life.… Read the rest

Posted in acidosis


Use this checklist to get a sense of how acidic you may be. Determining your acidity levels isn’t an exact science, but this Self-Test can help you get a better idea of how urgently you need to begin alkalizing your body.
The idea is this: the more symptoms, the more acidic you may be, and the more urgent it is for you to begin an alkalizing program.

Beginning Symptoms
1. Acne
2. Agitation
3. Muscular pain
4. Cold hands and feet
5. Dizziness
6. Low energy
7. Joint pains that travel
8. Food allergies
9. Chemical sensitivities to odor, gas heat 10.Hyperactivity
11.Panic attacks
12.Pre-menstrual and menstrual cramping 13.Pre-menstrual anxiety and depression 14.Lack of sex drive
18.Constipation… Read the rest

Posted in acidosis