Author: cerraadmin
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Collagen is the fibrous, structural protein that makes up the white fibers, the collagenous fibers, that make up skin, tendons, bones, cartilage and all of the connective tissues in the body. It is also found dispersed in the gels of the body, to provide stiffening. A good example of that is the vitreous humour of the eye. Collagen is the natural protein that constitutes most of the body’s structural support providing a framework on which to hang itself. It is the primary structure of what we know as connective tissue. It is the fibrous connective tissue that holds our body together and gives it shape.
Collagen gives the different organs their strength and along with elastin, their elastic properties. Twenty-five percent of the dry protein weight of the body is collagen.… Read the rest
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Chronic arthritic joints (rheumatoid) and their pains are signals of water deficiency in the affected joint cartilage surfaces. Normally, the cartilage that covers the surface of the bones in joint cavities receives water and nutrients through the bone. In dehydration, the bone marrow takes priority over the cartilage for the water that goes through the bone structure. Under such circumstances, the water requirements of the cartilage have to be satisfied from the vessels that feed the capsule of the joint. The nerve-regulated shunting mechanisms and the increased circulation and swelling of the joint capsule produce the pain.
The local pain is a primary indication that the painful joints are not fully prepared to endure pressure until they are fully hydrated. The arthritis pain also indicates that the pressure-bearing and normally well-lubricated gliding properties of the cartilage contact points are decreased because of lack of sufficient hydration.
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In results published in the Jan 2007 issue of the American Journal of Epidemiology, Spanish researchers found that chlorinated water poses health risks by drinking it, swimming in or showering in it, or breathing in the fumes from hot showers, swimming pools, hot tubs and baths.
Researchers studied a total of 1219 men and women with bladder cancer and had them fill out questionnaires about their exposure to chlorinated water from various sources. The results were compared to 1271 men and women as controls who did not have the disease. They also compared the average levels of chlorine and chlorine by-products in the water in the 123 areas where the studied individuals lived. Their findings were quite alarming:
Drinking chlorinated water increased the risk of bladder cancer by 35%.… Read the rest
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Drink your milk, it’s good for you. At least that is what the dairy industry would have you believe. Milk contains casein which is a glue-like substance that is actually used by some glue industry manufacturers to make powerful adhesives. Guess what it does to your body? And, in the presence of chlorine, the effect on your arteries, veins and digestive system is a clogging, gummy mess.
Federal government regulations require treatment of water that is piped to homes from lakes, rivers and reservoirs. Chlorine is the treatment of choice. It is an industrial waste product that they have to get rid of somehow. About three quarters of all homes have chlorinated water pouring out of their taps. Chlorine helps rid the water of infectious water-bourne disease but it does not rid the water of parasites like Cryptosporidium and it can cause serious harm to people who drink it and more serious harm to pregnant women.… Read the rest
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Water is unmistakably required for life. Eastern medical practice is based on the understanding that Chi is just as essential to life as water. Essentially water and Chi are both “fluids of life”, one visible and the other invisible. To mimic nature and our understanding of what we see as visible, the water, has a direct correlation to the invisible, the Chi.
Chi has both energy and information like properties. A holographic theory of imprinting water by Dr. Emoto also shows that water unifies with thought and intention. It is entirely possible that water might include Chi, because both can be used as the carrier for imprinting information. Because they both are so interconnected and similar, they both need to be flowing and “alive”.… Read the rest
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Gum chewing is big business and nowadays, most of it is sugar-free. It contains nutrasweet, which can be dangerous for some people. The biggest argument against gum chewing, besides the synthetic sweeteners is the fact that there is a neurological connection between your jaw and your pancreas.
Your body’s enzymes are like gold. They take part in every body function. Your body makes enzymes from the food you eat and from chemical reactions in the body. You actually needs two quarts of digestive juice to digest a meal. That juice contains vital enzymes.
If you chew anything, including gum, your pancreas gets the message that food is coming down the chute. It will start producing enzymes to digest it. Scientific studies done by the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia suggest that chemical irritations that produce the sensation of taste on the tongue, signal the digestive system which enzymes to produce and release.… Read the rest
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The food debate rages on. There are so many food choices and food combinations. Even eating styles are debated. Go down any supermarket aisle and you will see food in cans, prepackaged convenience foods, packaged foods, junk foods and everything in between.
Our ancestors were hunter-gatherers. They ate leaves, roots, nuts and fruit, just like we do. They also ate meat when they could catch it. We don’t have to go out and rangle it. We just tootle our grocery cart down the meat aisle and there it is, along with some suspicious stuff that has a “meat” base along with a number of chemicals and food dyes that are proving dangerous to long term use.
Those cave men had a pretty healthy diet compared to ours.… Read the rest
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In the November 26, 2008 issue of Cell, The Columbia University Medical Center research group, led by Gerard Karsenty, M.D., Ph.D., chair of the Department of Genetics and Development at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, has discovered a unique link between bone growth and serotonin levels. In the past, the main focus of serotonin research was to study its effects on mood, sleep, and appetite, in addition to other brain functions which utilize approximately 5 percent of the body’s serotonin.
Researchers have known for a few years now that the other 95 percent of the body’s serotonin is produced in the duodenum, a part of the small intestine. It was assumed that the serotonin there was involved with digestion.… Read the rest
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Exercise is a great stimulant to improving your immune system to ward off infections, flu, colds, viruses and cancers. Certain types of exercise can increase the number of white blood cells up to fourteen times their normal amount. For someone prone to infections and disease, this is good news indeed.
One of the most effective ways to stimulate your immune system is to bounce on a mini-trampoline or rebounder. Believe me, it’s not like you have to jump a foot in the air. The most effective way, is to keep your feet on the bed of the rebounder and gently bounce up and down for two minutes. It only takes two minutes to flush the entire lymphatic system of toxins and gunk.… Read the rest
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It is estimated that one third of all North Americans are overweight…that’s millions of people. Some of them are children, which statistically shows that they will probably grow up to be overweight adults. A lot of overweight adults have high blood pressure.
If the body pH of these overweight people was tested, it would be found to be acidic. They would also be found to be dehydrated. Many health complications can result from being overly acidic and/or dehydrated. This common combination can cause high blood pressure.
A recent study reported in the Annals of Internal Medicine 2001;134:1-11, 72-74, was conducted with 1200 overweight men and women aged 30 to 54. Researchers wanted to see what correlation there was between blood pressure and body weight.… Read the rest