It’s a rhetorical question. We all know the answer – but in my experience the only time such a question seems to become important is when people don’t actually have five years of life left.

It’s often said that people spend more money on their health in the last two years of their life than the total of the rest of their life. In my experience this is so very true.

I don’t want to waste time telling you how naughty you’ve been to fail to learn about your own health. God knows we are all so “busy” just surviving in this crazy world that oftentimes health takes a backstage position until it fails. It’s like my son’s car. He simply doesn’t change the oil.… Read the rest

Posted in Alkaline Water

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Use this checklist to get a sense of how acidic you may be. Determining your acidity levels isn’t an exact science, but this Self-Test can help you get a better idea of how urgently you need to begin alkalizing your body.
The idea is this: the more symptoms, the more acidic you may be, and the more urgent it is for you to begin an alkalizing program.

Beginning Symptoms
1. Acne
2. Agitation
3. Muscular pain
4. Cold hands and feet
5. Dizziness
6. Low energy
7. Joint pains that travel
8. Food allergies
9. Chemical sensitivities to odor, gas heat 10.Hyperactivity
11.Panic attacks
12.Pre-menstrual and menstrual cramping 13.Pre-menstrual anxiety and depression 14.Lack of sex drive
18.Constipation… Read the rest

Posted in acidosis

Most of us know how good it feels to be out in the sun. It is such a delight to feel the warmth of the sun on our skin. Its brightness often lifts our mood. We even seem to be more motivated to accomplish tasks at hand when the sun is shining.

Sunlight contains two types of light. The light you can see is the visible light. When you see a rainbow, you are looking at the seven colors which make up visible light. The invisible light is made up of infrared and ultraviolet rays.

Infrared rays naturally come from the sun and they are the healthiest and the most comforting. They have the ability to penetrate deeply into the skin.… Read the rest

Posted in Water

A lot of people ask me where to start to get healthy. The logical place to start is at the beginning. By keeping things simple and looking at the single cell and its function, it won’t matter if you are talking about high blood pressure, arthritis, diabetes or even cancer, you have to find out why the cells aren’t working the way they are supposed to. By getting to the root of the problem, you don’t treat symptoms, you get to the root cause of what is going on.

Each organ system in the body has groups of cells that like specific environments to thrive in. The cells in these environments have very specific requirements. The cells need adequate water to fuel, metabolize and clean house.… Read the rest

Posted in Health

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People with diabetes should have regular testing to make sure that their diabetes is under control and not causing further health complications. Doctors are saying it is not enough to do daily in-home glucose testing. The goal with all diabetics should be to keep their blood glucose as close to normal as possible.
There are a number of routine clinical tests available for diabetics, but a new study shows that not all diabetics are getting these tests done by their health care professionals.
There are four tests available for people with diabetes. The first test is a hemoglobin A1c test which measures blood glucose levels over time.  The American Diabetic Association recommends that this test be done twice a year. Some health professionals recommend it be done four times per year. … Read the rest

Posted in Diabetes

Tryptophan is an amino acid the body cannot produce that metabolizes into Serotonin, which is one of the body’s most important neurotransmitters. Serotonin gives you a very nice feeling of well-being and mellowness that smooths everything out, taking the jagged edges away. If you have depression or anxiety and you need some help, there are a number of foods that are high in tryptophan that will do the same thing as Prozac, Paxil and similar anti-depressants. Even tryptophan supplements taken at the evening meal in 500mg to 2000 mg doses helps people to relax.
Let’s get to the nuts and bolts of the tryptophan rich foods that help you stay relaxed and calm. Before we talk about the tryptophan rich foods you need to know that increasing your tryptophan levels is more than just eating foods high in this amino acid.… Read the rest

Posted in Tips

Researchers reporting in the New England Journal of Medicine say that some people are sensitive to low barometric pressures while flying in commercial aircraft. Very low barometric pressures are uncommon in modern aircraft but sea-level air pressures are not the norm either. Some passengers flying on long commercial flights experience feeling of illness similar to mountain climbers who experience altitude sickness.
Feelings of weakness, along with headaches, nausea, mental confusion, fuzzy thinking, leg cramps, swollen hands and feet, dry scratchy throat, and disturbances in sleep seem to be the cluster of symptoms experienced by those passengers flying about 6,500 feet. Even alarming symptoms like blood clots are being experienced more and more among long flight flyers.
Aside from the low barometric pressure, some of the symptoms can also be attributed to prolonged sitting, foul cabin air, fatigue, dehydration and even jet lag.… Read the rest

Posted in Sickness

As a child, I used to be upset sitting in my classroom at school in a half empty room when my classmates were laying at home in front of the TV, not having to do the school thing. Why did I have to be so darn healthy while all my friends were sick? It didn’t seem fair that when flu season hit, I didn’t get it. Didn’t I deserve to watch reruns on TV too?
When flu season hit, the school almost looked like a ghost town with easily one third of the students off with the latest bug. The other two-thirds of us would survive the coughing, spewing and sneezing, facing the flying snot of the lunch hour. We even drank out of the school water fountain and survived.… Read the rest

Posted in Sickness

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According to scientific studies in recent years, having belly fat and fat around your middle brings about a predisposition to heart and circulatory disease in addition to diabetes and other chronic illnesses. That muffin waist or that ski jump is dangerous to your health. What I am going to tell you now, may surprise you.
Fat gain seems to be triggered by dehydration. When the trigger happens, the body cannot differentiate between thirst and hunger. Tests show that in random  groups who appeared to be hungry, a glass or two of water, when consumed, dissipated hunger pangs in all but one person.
When the body is dehydrated, even a two percent water loss, scientists are saying that it creates fuzzy thinking, short term memory loss, fatigue, lethargy, aches and pains, acidic body terrain, false feelings of hunger, blood sugar issues, blood pressure issues and many other symptoms.… Read the rest

Posted in Weight Loss

There is increasingly greater scientific evidence that body pH and free radical capacity is one of the greatest indicators of health ever known. It all started in 1935 when Otto Warburg was awarded the Nobel Prize for discovering the lack of oxygen as the cause of most diseases, particularly cancer.
Since then oxygen capacity and its related issues have been at the forefront of some of the most brilliant research to date. One of the major components of the health equation is pH. When diet, lifestyle and drinking habits combine into a net acidic gain, the pH of the tissues and the surrounding fluids will drop, along with the capacity to carry oxygen. Because the blood feeds the tissues and removes the waste and toxins, it tries to remove some of the metabolic acids from the body fluids and tissues.… Read the rest

Posted in Body pH