Recent research is arming scientists with an ever increasing body of evidence from research labs around the world that claims more deaths and disease in the West from an overly acidic body.

This easy to understand models explains that whenever the body burns food as fuel it creates acidic by-products that are toxic to the body. Many of the scientists at the forefront of this research now believe that accumulated build ups of these acidic wastes can be a primary cause of chronic disease, overweight and aging. This evidence also points to a huge contributing factor in such horrifying diseases as cancer.

Over the last hundred years the North American diet and lifestyle have changed dramatically. No longer do we eat what we grow on our farms and in our back yards.… Read the rest

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Yes, you can prevent illness with high antioxidant, alkaline ionized water. Research is now showing that many symptoms and symptom clusters such as diabetes, high blood pressure, fibromyalgia and obesity, are a result of too much acid in the body. Scientists call this condition acidosis.

How do we get so acid? Every time you eat, your digested food is absorbed into the blood stream and is circulated to feed your cells. This is how you get energy to get you through the day. When the cells feed, they give off a little puff of metabolic exhaust which is very acid and is contains free radicals. These free radicals are unstable and try to snatch electrons from other cells. The toxic exhaust bathes your cells and the water surrounding them with a toxic soup.… Read the rest

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If your living space was build before 1989 in Canada, you probably have lead solder in your pipes. I remember when I was in        school and the boys thought it was great fun to have pencil fights and poke each other with pencils. The teacher told them not to do it  because it could cause lead poisoning. Our pencils in those days had lead in them. We didn’t seem to be as environmentally conscious in those days.

You can get lead poisoning from water, too and it is no joke. Lead poisoning can cause many types of disorders, including sleeping difficulties. In the US the statistics are alarming. Approximately 30 percent of Americans are drinking water that contains lead. It leaches out of the pipes into the water.… Read the rest

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Once upon a time, there was a big bad wolf. He was an ornery cuss. He ate pizza and drank beer all the time. He loves huge slabs of pork, roasted on an open fire. That pork crackling was so good, especially when you sprinkled lots of salt on it. He was tired all the time and was usually in a foul mood. His back hurt and he had sore feet which did nothing to improve his disposition.

One day, the big bad wolf had a craving for some fire roasted pork. He knew where some pigs lived so he hobbled off on his sore feet to go catch one. As he hobbled along, he devised a plan to catch a pig.… Read the rest

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Excerpted from Water for Health, for Healing, for Life by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.

Let me give you the single most effective prescription for well-being, improved health,disease prevention, potentially reversible stages of degenerative diseases—and finally the best pain medicine in the world. It needs no doctor’s prescription. It is freely available. It costs nothing. It has no dangerous side effects. It is the medication your body cries for when it is stressed. It is good old plain, natural water—ready cash for the industrial systems of the body. Every twenty-four hours the body recycles the equivalent of forty thousand glasses of water to maintain its normal physiological functions. It does this every day of its life.

Within this pattern of water metabolism and its recycling process, and depending on environmental conditions, the body becomes short of about six to ten glasses of water each day.… Read the rest

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Tryptophan is an amino acid the body cannot produce that metabolizes into Serotonin, which is one of the body’s most important neurotransmitters. Serotonin gives you a very nice feeling of well-being and mellowness that smooths everything out, taking the jagged edges away. If you have depression or anxiety and you need some help, there are a number of foods that are high in tryptophan that will do the same thing as Prozac, Paxil and similar anti-depressants. Even tryptophan supplements taken at the evening meal in 500mg to 2000 mg doses helps people to relax.
Let’s get to the nuts and bolts of the tryptophan rich foods that help you stay relaxed and calm. Before we talk about the tryptophan rich foods you need to know that increasing your tryptophan levels is more than just eating foods high in this amino acid.… Read the rest

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Drink your milk, it’s good for you. At least that is what the dairy industry would have you believe. Milk contains casein which is a glue-like substance that is actually used by some glue industry manufacturers to make powerful adhesives. Guess what it does to your body? And, in the presence of chlorine, the effect on your arteries, veins and digestive system is a clogging, gummy mess.

Federal government regulations require treatment of water that is piped to homes from lakes, rivers and reservoirs. Chlorine is the treatment of choice. It is an industrial waste product that they have to get rid of somehow. About three quarters of all homes have chlorinated water pouring out of their taps. Chlorine helps rid the water of infectious water-bourne disease but it does not rid the water of parasites like Cryptosporidium and it can cause serious harm to people who drink it and more serious harm to pregnant women.… Read the rest

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Gum chewing is big business and nowadays, most of it is sugar-free. It contains nutrasweet, which can be dangerous for some people. The biggest argument against gum chewing, besides the synthetic sweeteners is the fact that there is a neurological connection between your jaw and your pancreas.

Your body’s enzymes are like gold. They take part in every body function. Your body makes enzymes from the food you eat and from chemical reactions in the body. You actually needs two quarts of digestive juice to digest a meal. That juice contains vital enzymes.

If you chew anything, including gum, your pancreas gets the message that food is coming down the chute. It will start producing enzymes to digest it. Scientific studies done by the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia suggest that chemical irritations that produce the sensation of taste on the tongue, signal the digestive system which enzymes to produce and release.… Read the rest

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For a long time now, we’ve been hearing that drinking 8 glasses of water a day is optimum. Current research and scientific measuring has shown this to be highly inaccurate for a long of people. Holistic health experts are now recommending you drink half your body weight in ounces if you have a minimal  activity level. In other words, if you are 200 pounds, you sit at a desk all day and you go for a walk every day, you need 100 ounces of water every day. But not just any water will do.

You see, it doesn’t matter how much water you drink, it is how much water that is absorbed into the cells that counts.

You can drink lots and lots of water, but if the water you drink  goes galloping through, it won’t get where it needs to go.… Read the rest

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