Tag: alkaline water
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According to scientific studies in recent years, having belly fat and fat around your middle brings about a predisposition to heart and circulatory disease in addition to diabetes and other chronic illnesses. That muffin waist or that ski jump is dangerous to your health. What I am going to tell you now, may surprise you.
Fat gain seems to be triggered by dehydration. When the trigger happens, the body cannot differentiate between thirst and hunger. Tests show that in random groups who appeared to be hungry, a glass or two of water, when consumed, dissipated hunger pangs in all but one person.
When the body is dehydrated, even a two percent water loss, scientists are saying that it creates fuzzy thinking, short term memory loss, fatigue, lethargy, aches and pains, acidic body terrain, false feelings of hunger, blood sugar issues, blood pressure issues and many other symptoms.… Read the rest
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There is increasingly greater scientific evidence that body pH and free radical capacity is one of the greatest indicators of health ever known. It all started in 1935 when Otto Warburg was awarded the Nobel Prize for discovering the lack of oxygen as the cause of most diseases, particularly cancer.
Since then oxygen capacity and its related issues have been at the forefront of some of the most brilliant research to date. One of the major components of the health equation is pH. When diet, lifestyle and drinking habits combine into a net acidic gain, the pH of the tissues and the surrounding fluids will drop, along with the capacity to carry oxygen. Because the blood feeds the tissues and removes the waste and toxins, it tries to remove some of the metabolic acids from the body fluids and tissues.… Read the rest
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Deep vein thrombosis is a condition whereby a blood clot forms in one of the legs or hips. It can be located in the foot, lower or upper leg or the hip. A blood clot can become imbedded close to where it forms, causing swelling and pain near the site of the clot. Warmth can be felt over the area of the clot that appears warmer than the surrounding tissue.
Dangerous situations occur when a thrombosis breaks away from the formation site and starts travelling. Most deep vein thromboses that travel, end up in the lungs where they can cause severe difficulty in breathing and in very serious cases, they can even cause death.
The tendency of the blood to form clots usually ends up as a result of an accumulation of too many metabolic acids forming in the body tissues.… Read the rest
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- Getting older relates to the passage of time.
- Aging relates to the breakdown of tissues in the body.
- The outward signs of aging include wrinkles, sagging, and gray hair.
- Getting older by itself does not cause aging.Aging is the result of damage to bodily tissues by organic acids and by active oxygen (free radicals).
- Organic acids in the body break down tissues, causing aging and age-related diseases.
- Common waste products in the body include acetic acid, carbonic acid, fatty acids, lactic acid,and uric acid.
- Active oxygen (free radicals) causes oxidative damage to molecules within cells of the body.
- Free radicals are associated with a numerous diseases, including cancer, arthritis, atherosclerosis,Alzheimer’s disease, and diabetes.Drinking
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Drinking a liter of alkaline, ionized water upon rising helps to flush out the kidneys, bladder and bowels, and rehydrates and energizes the body with extra electrons. Energy is electrons in motion.
Alkaline, ionized water is up to 6 times more hydrating than any other water.
The body is” alkaline by design and acidic by function”, so drinking alkaline, ionized water can help you to live a healthy and energetic life free from sickness and dis-ease. The health of the 70 trillion cells that make up the body function best when bathed in alkalinity!
Optimally, the stomach should to be alkaline at 7.2 or so to buffer the hydrochloric acid. Alkaline, ionized water bathes the cells in alkalinity with its electrons which will help prepare the body to receive food.… Read the rest
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Health begins with water. Since the body is made mostly of water (about 70%), all body functions are dependent on water. I guess you could call water a universal solvent. Most nutrients with the exception of fats are dissolved in water, transported in the water-based blood system and used by water-filled cells. And, because the cells are filled with water, the water lubricates, them, like cartilage and muscle cells. It also keeps cell walls pliable and receptive to nutrient inflow and waste outflow.
These facts point to the crucial nature of proper hydration for a healthy body. It is even more important as we get older as will be explained soon. Every organ in the body depends on water to function properly and efficiently.… Read the rest
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If you’ve never tasted it, good alkaline ionized water it has a really fantastic taste, especially if you drink it from high in the mountains as it bubbles down over the rocks and the waterfalls. Today even more than ever it’s so important to good health but there is nothing more difficult to find. It is just not available in our cities, unless you make it yourself with an alkalizing ionizing machine such as any of the Ionways models.
Imagine being able to duplicate that sparkling mountain stream right in your own home. That is where a good quality water ionizer comes in.
Filtration systems such as reverse osmosis systems only remove the solids and the floaties but they don’t change whether the water is acid or alkaline.… Read the rest
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So now you aren’t feeling well and you wonder how you got to be in this mess. How did you get sick and how are you going to get well again? To understand how to reverse illness, it is necessary to understand how you got there in the first place.
There are five stages that lead to a disease state.
The first stage starts when the foods we eat and the drinks we consume create an acidic state in our body. As a result, a lot of nutrients, especially minerals are being used up to try to buffer the acidic body state. Antioxidants are being used at an alarming rate to try to relieve the free radical damage. The body is using everything it has to try to bring the body back to balance.… Read the rest
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Every cell of your body if filled with and cushioned by water. Your cells are like fish in a fish tank. When your fish isn’t doing to well, you don’t take it to the vet, you change the water it is living in. So the cleaner and less acidic the water in the fish bowl is, the healthier your fish will be. Hmmm. Is there are metaphor here?
Considering that every time you eat, your body produces acidic waste, there must be a healthy way to get rid of it. By drinking acidic tap and bottled water, you are maintaining an acid condition in your body. There are only four ways that you can get rid of waste in your body: respiration, urination, perspiration and defecation.… Read the rest
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This is a wonderful time of the year. We get a few days off work, but we run around frantically buying gifts, visiting friends and family, cooking the traditional feast(s) and maybe even eating and drinking more than we normally would.
The weekend is coming and you get a few days rest before its back to work on Monday. This is a time when we start to contemplate our New Year’s Resolution. If your waist-line is a little rounder than it was a week ago, with the New Years feast still around the corner, you are faced with that dreaded four letter word – diet.
But it doesn’t have to be as bad as you think. You can do it a lot smarter this year and ensure the wellness of your family at the same time.… Read the rest